Water Trail Experience Development Coordinator, Peter Greve, works to bring the Lake Superior Water Trail to Life

The Lake Superior Watershed Conservancy (LSWC) welcomes a new team member! The LSWC has hired recent Western University graduate Peter Greve to be the Water Trail Experience Development Coordinator. Greve is working to connect communities along the Trail through shared ecological and cultural interpretive guided experiences. Developing these opportunities along the Water Trail will enhance economic diversity on the North Shore and the overall protection of the Lake Superior ecosystem.

“I am excited to learn more about different communities on Lake Superior and to work with individuals towards a common goal of freshwater protection through eco-cultural tourism,” says Greve.

The Lake Superior Water Trail (LSWT)is a 1000 km trail that stretches along the North Shore from Gros Cap Marina Park in Prince Township to Lorne Allard Fisherman’s Park in Thunder Bay. This Water Trail is a significant link in the Great Trail by Trans Canada Trail, a 24 000 km (15 000 mile) trail system from ocean to ocean to ocean. The LSWT officially opened in 2017, and now the Conservancy has turned its focus to developing replicable projects that can be implemented along the trail. These projects are meant to further encourage the Trail’s use both by local people and by visitors.

peter greve giving a safety demonstration to LSSU students

Greve (in the blue sweater) giving a safety demonstration to LSSU students.

Under the supervision of the LSWC Executive Director, Joanie McGuffin, Greve will continue to develop the LSWT by conducting research and strategic planning. Most importantly, Greve will be building and maintaining strong partnerships with various organizations and businesses within the watershed because the teamwork of our communities is vital to further the protection of Lake Superior.

“Through the development of the water trail and projects along the water trail we will better connect local folks and visitors to the amazing resource that we have been naturally gifted,” says Greve. “Hopefully, we can connect people not only to the environmental stewardship of this Great Lake but also to the rich heritage of each region in a safe, accessible, and culturally/ecologically sensitive manner.”

Before joining the LSWC team, Greve attended University of Western Ontario for an honours specialization in Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences and volunteered with the Student Emergency Response Team (SERT) as a Training Coordinator. This valuable experience volunteering with SERT inspired Greve to look for similarly rewarding experiences on his career path. Greve found an opportunity to apply his skills and experiences to affecting positive change in Lake Superior communities.

“By the end of my time at the LSWC, I hope that the public has better access to Lake Superior that is more sustainable and environmentally conscious through the water trail and the projects we are developing along it. I know that the standard we set for Lake Superior stewardship will impact future generations, and therefore I aim to hold myself, my team, and my partners to the highest standard.”

peter greve in the bow of the big canoe, with group behind him

Greve in the bow of the big canoe, McGuffin can be seen behind him.

“Peter is a wonderful asset to our Conservancy;” says McGuffin, “a natural, positive leader who easily brings people together in a collaborative, cooperative atmosphere. His enthusiasm for the position of Water Trail Coordinator is undertaken with sincere dedication to the Conservancy’s mission of being an international model of freshwater protection.”

Author Bio:

Holly Drew is a professional writer from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, where she has spent a lot of time hiking in the beautiful Algoma District and Upper U.P., Michigan. Holly’s other home is in Lima, Peru, where she lived for one year as a Rotary International Exchange Student. Holly also volunteers as a Communications and Events Coordinator for Youth Odena, a by-youth-for-youth advocacy group in Sault, Ontario.