We protect land through three preserves: a top-of-the-watershed hardwood forest, a wetland and 20 islands on Lake Superior’s eastern shoreline at Gargantua.

aerial view of gargantua islands on lake superior shore

Gargantua Islands Preserve

A significant Great Lakes archipelago of over 20 islands that are ecologically, geologically and culturally significant.

close view of forest within dr fredrick van nus preserve

Dr. Fredrick van Nus Preserve

Precambrian Shield, rolling hardwood forest uplands, beaver dams, wetlands and rocky outcroppings at the Carp River Headwaters.

aerial view of wetlands and boardwalk of the francis hilb preserve

Francis Hilb Preserve

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Land Trust Memberships

A land trust is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to the long term stewardship of natural and/or cultural heritage. One of the main activities of land trust, or nature conservancy, is to actively work with landowners to conserve, protect and steward land for its natural, cultural, recreational, historic and productive values. Land trusts also have a roll in conserving habitat, securing water quality, providing equitable access to nature, addressing effects of climate change, and building healthy communities.

As a Land Trust

We work with landowners to conserve, protect and steward land for its natural, cultural, recreational, historic and productive values.

  • We help preserve ecological corridors, scenic landscapes, areas of natural diversity, endangered species habitats, and recreational and cultural interpretive sites.
  • We are guided by the Land Trust Standards and Practices in the United States and Canada.
  • We offer tools forged from experience to help ensure a healthy Lake and Watershed.
  • We offer a platform for innovation in conservation.
Why is Protecting Land Important?
  • Protecting habitat means Protecting Homes for Plants, Animals, Insects and Birds.
  • Protecting Land protects the waterways that flow above and below the Earth.
  • Protecting Land holds cultural stories and ancestral memories.
  • Our perspective is beyond land acquisition - we take an indigenous-led, water care, watershed approach.

We are a proud member of:

interpretive guides association logo land trust alliance logo ontario land trust alliance logo alliance of canadian land trusts logo american friends of canadian conservation logo freshwater future logo

The Lake Superior Watershed Conservancy respectfully acknowledges this place as the traditional, ancestral homelands of the Anishinaabeg. For thousands of years, people lived in a respectful reciprocity with these beautiful waters and the green growing world.

We aim to build mutual respect as we work to be trusted allies in Indigenous-led work for the health of the whole watershed.

“I am so proud to be included in this circle of caring for Nibi and the work of the Conservancy. To tell the stories, to engage people in learning and acting in respectful ways toward the Land, Water, People, Animals, Birds, Fish is so important. Spirit will help us if we act in ways that acknowledge that Water is Life, and without Nibi, we cannot exist.”

- Shirley Horn, The Children of Shingwauk

How To Help

Protecting the greatest Lake on Earth means we all have a role to play in addressing the threatening elements of climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, invasive species, and the diversion of water from the watershed.

We believe in the power of our collective effort to solve these challenges.
